Does tummy time improve feeding?

Hello, parents! I want to talk to you about a crucial activity that can greatly benefit your baby's development: tummy time. Tummy time is when you roll your baby onto their stomach while they are in a calm state. It might seem simple, but it has a significant impact on your baby's growth and well-being.

First and foremost, tummy time is essential for strengthening your baby's muscles, especially the muscles in their neck, shoulders, and upper body. When babies spend time on their tummy, they have to work on lifting their head and pushing up with their arms, which helps build the core strength necessary for important milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and eventually crawling.

But did you know that tummy time can also play a vital role in improving your baby's oral motor skills? Oral motor skills refer to the strength and coordination of the muscles involved in speech, feeding, and swallowing. When your baby is on their tummy, they engage in various movements that indirectly contribute to the development of these crucial oral motor skills.

For instance, while in the tummy time position, babies often engage in head turning and neck strengthening exercises as they explore their surroundings. These movements are essential for head control and the development of the muscles used in chewing and swallowing.

Additionally, tummy time encourages babies to engage their facial muscles, which are important for oral motor skills. They use their mouths and tongues to interact with objects during tummy time, promoting sensory awareness and stimulating the muscles needed for speech articulation and feeding.

Furthermore, as your baby starts to move and explore their environment, they develop spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination. These skills are also fundamental for feeding, as they allow your baby to bring food to their mouth and self-feed when they are ready.

In summary, tummy time is not only about physical development but also about enhancing your baby's oral motor skills. It strengthens the muscles needed for head control, chewing, swallowing, and speech articulation. So, by making tummy time a regular part of your baby's daily routine, you are not only supporting their physical and motor development but also laying the foundation for healthy oral motor skills, which are crucial for their future communication and feeding abilities.

Check out the courses at Little Movers Education where you can learn to be an advocate for your baby’s gas and tension issues, remedy their oral motor/feeding difficulties, and turn them into the baby hulk so posture will never be an issue for them!

Elizabeth Morel is a Physical Therapist licensed in NY and NJ specializing in infant movement for feeding. She is a tongue tie expert, practices CST and hold certificates through DMI level B.